An introduction to Swedish massage techniques plus various additional techniques such as superficial fluid techniques, neuromuscular techniques, percussive techniques, passive movement techniques, superficial reflex techniques and connective tissue techniques which are specific to the back and abdomen region. Within each of these regions there will be instruction, demonstration and supervision of the massage techniques. The demonstration and supervision of the correct ergonomics and mechanics of the therapist are continually monitored. No prerequisite is required.
An introduction to Swedish massage techniques plus various additional techniques such as superficial fluid techniques, neuromuscular techniques, percussive techniques, passive movement techniques, superficial reflex techniques and connective tissue techniques which are specific to the thorax and upper extremity region. Within each of these regions there will be instruction, demonstration and supervision of the massage techniques. The demonstration and supervision of the correct ergonomics and mechanics of the therapist are continually monitored. Prerequisite: Massage 0101.
An introduction to Swedish massage techniques plus various additional techniques such as superficial fluid techniques, neuromuscular techniques, percussive techniques, passive movement techniques, superficial reflex techniques and connective tissue techniques which are specific to the head, neck and lower limb region. Within each of these regions there will be instruction, demonstration and supervision of the massage techniques. The demonstration and supervision of the correct ergonomics and mechanics of the therapist are continually monitored. Prerequisite: Massage 0102.
A preparation for massage treatments in various settings and treatment positions. An introduction to the definition, description, effects, uses, indications, contraindications and precautions of massage techniques to the back and abdominal region and proper draping procedures. No prerequisite is required.
A preparation for massage treatments in various settings and treatment positions. An introduction to the definition, description, effects, uses, indications, contraindications and precautions of massage techniques to the thorax and upper extremity region and proper draping procedures. Prerequisite: Massage 0111.
A preparation for massage treatments in various settings and treatment positions. An introduction to the definition, description, effects, uses, indications, contraindications and precautions of massage techniques to the head, neck and lower limb region. Prerequisite Massage 0112.
An introduction to the terminology, description, indications, contraindications, and precautions of golgi tendon organ release, counter-strain, passive stretching techniques, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and myofascial trigger point theory.
An introduction to the terminology, description, indications, contraindications, and precautions of Lymphatic Drainage Massage. Prerequisite: Massage 0121.
An introduction to the terminology, description, indications, contraindications, and precautions of joint mobilizations. Prerequisite: Massage 0122.
A focus on the prevention of stress and the improvement and maintenance of the therapist’s own health. This is done through discussions on proper body mechanics and self care for the massage therapist. Instruction, demonstration and discussion on stretching, strengthening, lifestyle and work environment, boundaries, time and energy management, professionalism, psychological factors and emotional control, critical thinking and problem solving scenarios. Instruction and participation of various ways to manage stress through meditation and similar lifestyle management programs. No prerequisite required.
Providing a foundation for on-site massage at sporting events. The course includes an introduction to different types of sports massage (Training Cycle, Competition and Injury Management), but the focus is on pre-event, intra-event and post-event massage considerations for the therapist when working at sports competitions. This course is taught by a Certified Level Three Canadian Sports Massage Therapist who has experience working with high performance Olympic and professional athletes. No prerequisite required.
Building upon the foundation laid in Fundamentals of Sports Massage, this course will focus on the approaches and techniques available for use when working consistently with an athlete or sports team. These techniques allow the therapist greater range than the techniques discussed in the Fundamentals course in dealing with problems in preparing athletes for competition or hard training, and in handling injuries during training or competition. This course is taught by a Certified Level Three Canadian Sports Massage Therapist who has experience working with high performance Olympic and professional athletes. Prerequisite: Massage 0141.
Each of the following are taught regionally with reference to Standards of Practice, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Swedish Techniques, Hydrotherapy Techniques, Theory and Principles of Massage, Assessment and Palpations, and Advanced Techniques. Each condition will present the symptoms, causes, pathology, historical approach to treatment, medical treatment, health history questions, observations, palpations, testing, treatment goals, treatment plan, contraindications, hydrotherapy, positioning, remedial exercise, self-care goals and plan, frequency of treatment and expected outcome.
Description, demonstration and encouragement of a problem-solving model with respect to modification of the treatment plan where treatment is caused by or complicated by more than one musculoskeletal injury, overuse injuries, conditions affecting the head and neck, postural dysfunction, joint dysfunction, conditions of the central nervous system, conditions of the peripheral nervous system, respiratory pathologies, circulatory pathologies and dysfunctions, gastrointestinal concerns, and systemic concerns. See outline for a list of conditions. Prerequisites: Massage 0123, Massage 0113, Massage 0103, Kinesiology 1633, Kinesiology 1733, Kinesiology 1833.
Each of the following are taught regionally with reference to Standards of Practice, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Swedish Techniques, Hydrotherapy Techniques, Theory and Principles of Massage, Assessment and Palpations, and Advanced Techniques. Each condition will present the symptoms, causes, pathology, historical approach to treatment, medical treatment, health history questions, observations, palpations, testing, treatment goals, treatment plan, contraindications, hydrotherapy, positioning, remedial exercise, self-care goals and plan, frequency of treatment and expected outcome.
Description, demonstration and encouragement of a problem-solving model with respect to modification of the treatment plan where treatment is caused by or complicated by more than one musculoskeletal injury, overuse injuries, conditions affecting the head and neck, postural dysfunction, joint dysfunction, conditions of the central nervous system, conditions of the peripheral nervous system, respiratory pathologies, circulatory pathologies and dysfunctions, gastrointestinal concerns, and systemic concerns. See outline for a list of conditions. Prerequisites: Massage 0123, Massage 0113, Massage 0103, Kinesiology 1633, Kinesiology 1733, Kinesiology 1833.
Each of the following are taught regionally with reference to Standards of Practice, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Swedish Techniques, Hydrotherapy Techniques, Theory and Principles of Massage, Assessment and Palpations, and Advanced Techniques. Each condition will present the symptoms, causes, pathology, historical approach to treatment, medical treatment, health history questions, observations, palpations, testing, treatment goals, treatment plan, contraindications, hydrotherapy, positioning, remedial exercise, self-care goals and plan, frequency of treatment and expected outcome.
Description, demonstration and encouragement of a problem-solving model with respect to modification of the treatment plan where treatment is caused by or complicated by more than one musculoskeletal injury, overuse injuries, conditions affecting the head and neck, postural dysfunction, joint dysfunction, conditions of the central nervous system, conditions of the peripheral nervous system, respiratory pathologies, circulatory pathologies and dysfunctions, gastrointestinal concerns, and systemic concerns. See outline for a list of conditions. Prerequisites: Massage 0123, Massage 0113, Massage 0103, Kinesiology 1633, Kinesiology 1733, Kinesiology 1833.
Designed to give students an understanding of the role of the fascia and the most recent techniques which are being used in treating connective tissue and neurological problems.
Designed to give students a basic understanding of the anatomy and function of the cranio-sacral system. Basic osteopathic assessment and treatment techniques (and indications) will also be discussed.
A study of the physiological and anatomical changes occurring during each trimester of pregnancy. Theory and practical techniques are taught to students to help provide safe and effective massage therapy and self-care strategies for pregnant women. Students will be able to develop effective treatment strategies relevant to the client's goals, signs and symptoms, stage of pregnancy, and medical condition. A hands-on practicum is offered to the students so they can apply their learned skills directly in a clinical setting. Prerequisites: Massage 0123, Massage 0113, Massage 0103, Kinesiology 1633, Kinesiology 1733, Kinesiology 1833.
Students are required to complete a text review or clinical trial on massage therapy-related material.
Students are required to complete a text review or clinical trial on massage therapy-related material.
Atlantic College of Therapeutic Massage